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I do not think that your links in tweets is going to mean much to your sites popularity. The best way to promote your site through twitter and facebook, is having a lot of friends, likes and followers. Eventually you can start building up a small comunity and from there the WOM will spread and...
I personally use PayPal as my primary payment gateway. Why? - Because it is easy and fast to use. PayPal is also very well known which makes your business/website looking more trustworthy. As far as I am concerned PayPal also has some of the lowest transaction fees.
I personally dont. Some people might even get scared away by the thought of the company placing the testimonials and reviews themselves. I do think it can be worth trying out in some places.
I agree with some of the above posts. A lot of people just want cPanel. I would go with some of the popular ones, so people know what they are getting. If your controle panel is just as good as cPanel, i do not see any reason why not to use it.
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