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If you look at their business model and the rates of shared hosting in general, you should actually be surprised that there are still free hosts around!
Checkout liquidweb.
They offer one month's revenue and 5% recurring revenue. It is just affiliate program, you don't have to offer support or anything. Just refer and enjoy!
$100 is probably 10 times the normal rates, but there are many businesses that wont mind paying that much. In fact many businesses pay that much or more to their web development form for hosting and taking care of their website. There would be market, but reaching out to such people/ business...
Who said review and where ??:evilb:
Whatever, I guess it is nice to see someone posting a good feedback. Normally people post only if they have a complaint.
BTW, I guess server getting back online in 2 hrs time is nothing great. If they had automatic reboot from contorl panel / phone-...
$5 -$10 is the normal rates for a shared hosting account these days. There are better hosts charging above $10, also there are hosts that provide hosting for as low as $1 per month. To me $10 looks cheap, especially if you are a small business owner.
Leaseweb is actually a good option if you are looking for a dedi in europe. They are netherlands based and have a good reputation. I had once tried to sign up with them, but had some problems with the payment gateway, as they use only paypal and paypal had limited support for the country I...
Serverpronto even charges for email support, you should really read the details before signing up. If you are interested in their cheap rates, better get a good VPS from a decent company.
50 concurrent connections for a shared hosting is pretty good. All your 20 queries in one page is going to be over just 1 connection(unless you make a new connection for each query, which is pooor scripting). Even 50 users online wont make 50 simultaneous connection. 50 connections are going to...
Try liquidweb.
Again, hosting is such a field where you are never going to see one host that satisfies all. Even rackspace has got some poor reviews!
For bigger hosts, obviously you will hear more reviews, both good and bad. The fact about customer review is that the 1% who has poor experience...
Hostgator hosts nearly half million domains(stats from thirdparty) and it is natural that they have few unsatisfied customes. But from what I understand, a vast majority of the customers are happy about them and they are one of the best hosts I have tried in my career.(have been associated with...
They look very new and very small. It seems they have just one dedicated server! The uptime status etc. lists only one server which make me wonder if they are selling packages off the single server they own.
Another worrying fact is that they don't list a physical contact info. Domain name is...
May be okay for a free service, but never ever use them for a paid hosting. With extremely restricted PHP configuration, long contracts, poor support - one of my client had a nightmare with them. Finally her site was down for a week after bravenet messed up with the domain renewal. Stay away.