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SpiralURL is a tiny URL script. Turns all big links to small tiny ones which are useful for texting, twitter and forums with character limits!
You can fully change the code, all I ask for in return is leave the footer link which redirects to this site!
- Written in PHP
- Smarty...
SpiralURL - Free tiny URL script with API, Stats, Screenshots, Admin & User end
SpiralURL is a tiny URL script. Turns all big links to small tiny ones which are useful for texting, twitter and forums with character limits!
You can fully change the code, all I ask for in return is leave the...
You are surfing the internet, you have read spinets of Web Development and Design. You decide to take a more in depth interest in what you've read upon. You create a work of art, and or you have an idea that refers to Web Development, Design, a business, or basically anything you want the world...
Sorry, here is the new download link:
V2 is coming soon and here is a preview of it:
You are surfing the internet, you have read spinets of Web Development and Design. You decide to take a more in depth interest in what you've read upon. You create a work of art, and or you have an idea that refers to Web Development, Design, a business, or basically anything you want the world...
I know that it is hard being a free host and paying for licenses for auto installer such as fantastico and Installatron.
Here is a free auto installer for cpanel! Looks brilliant! And really simple to install and lots of scripts!
Have fun!
I am writing to tell everyone what has happened.
I am the founder of TheWebWorld and this is what has happened to it.
On 18th (I think)...I stepped down from TWW as admin due to real life issues and I couldn't carry on taking care of TWW. So I stepped down gave all access to BlinkJet (Second...
TheWebWorld.Org is the only host to provide free Master Resellers!
Master Resellers means you can create shared hosting accounts and resellers! You never thought you could ever do that right? Well wrong, now you can!
TWW.ORG is the nly host to provide you with free cpanel & whm hosting...