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One thing I don't like is your mesothelioma/Google hybrid text mashing
Everyone knows mesothelioma is a very competitive word. I think if you switched the online college degree link and the mesothelioma link, the Google ad will actually display mesothelioma ads, instead of the poker ones...
I think I see the problem though:
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
It is before your DOCTYPE, that could be why.
Either that, or it could be the @ perhaps?
Me too
I see the same thing in Firefox as well.
What I have learned is it easier to make it look good in Firefox first, then explorer second, instead of the other way around.
Damn Explorer.
I also get that code bug at the top.
Ive been using the New York Times as a model to go by. I really liked how they had this huge layout. I think mine is about 930px right, and I actually took off about 70.
I want a big layout so it doesnt look crammed. I felt limited. Youll see, I still have to add a ton of stuff yet to...
one bug
yeah that has to do with the flickr posting directly from there. Sometimes the post will be too short, and when I re-align the photo, it will sometimes move the next one down to a not-so-good spot, depending on where the next photo is.
Its a simple fix, such as moving the little nav...
Hi all,
Im back after a little hiatus. How is everyone?
Can anyone tell me if this looks like it is heading in the right direction?
Thanks again for your critiques.
Looks good,
Clean and simple (I like clean and simple)
No Doc Type However...
Firefox read 4 errors (they are not always very acurate sometimes)
Id also probably make it so you can see what you want when you click the link, basically, I didnt know I was on seperate pages until I...
i used to play my guitar on the throne...
now i am subject to what my girlfriend has in there...
cosmo, those "21 Hot hair-do's for short hair", and a lot of those make up mags.
I cant bring the guitar in anymore (the wall is right next to the john)
All well, guess maybe i can learn...
1- not to make any more new years resolutions;
2- create, destroy, resurrect, recreate, and finally finish a website;
3- learn to make my own beer;
4- finally tell my ex girlfriend to crawl back under her rock;
5- step on a few toes, and stop getting walked all over;
6- not to let the fear...
flash is the equivalent of shoving a large stick where the sun don't shine... dont get no benefit from it, but your friends thought it looked pretty cool. Not to mention, you royally screw yourself from the very beginning...