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wow you deal with this like such a professional
i mean you just showed us how much of a hypocrite you are with lines like the one before
if you don't want people hating then don't hate others
putting others down really shows how you will treat your customers if they question something about...
wow weird cause i get this:
Object not found!
The requested URL was not found on this server. The link on the referring page seems to be wrong or outdated. Please inform the author of that page about the error.
If you think this is a server error, please contact the webmaster.
Error 404...
ive found that the .doc file tries to load in the browser giving you a 404 page
and the only way to even view it is right clicking -> save as then opening it up from my desktop
if you don't feel like making a page you can always make the t&c's a pdf
only problem with that is it can freeze up old pc's and most people don't really use acrobat
yeah the usual stuff ;)
just out of interest do you use cpanel for webhosting or something similar?
*edit* oh yeah your t&c page is down(but since your editing the site i guess you knew that)
this might help
from the homepage:
Q: How do I get the free hosting?
A: Contact us by going here - Contact Us and tell us what domain name you will be using.
good idea
To the memory of steve :beer: one of the most well known aussies ever :-)
this is the kinda of incident that affected all aussies including myself and will be talked about for months to come
i can't believe she spent that much money on inserting some code to her bland website
also if she broke google TOS then google has every right to close down her there should be no lawsuit
though some people sue others for the most retarded reasons..anything for a buck :eek2:
i heard about this around 11:30 (the perks of working at a radio station*
it is truly a big loss for us aussies as in my opinion he helped put us on the map.
i also admire his guts,he is the only man who would go out in public wear those shorts :lol:
its good to know that he passed doing...
it was a simple cms/rapidshare clone/rapidshare to webhost file downloader
it'd hardly be a cause for a ddos attack
also it said in an email i didn't have enough visitors when the stats said i had 300 in the first day :eek2:
oh i see
also if i have 300 visitors using a script why would my site get removed
i was hosting a few scripts people where using and i checked stats and had 300 visitors then next thing i know it got deleted :eek2:
lol its down
also my account got closed even though it said i had 300 hits in the stats and that was in the first day..the script i had running had alot of people using it when it went down
also the sites down :P