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Ok, i got bored today and opened up photo-shop and cam up with this.
I think I'm going to have a go at selling it :)
Any ideas/suggestions before i go ahead and put it up for sale?
You are becoming boring, predictable and annoying.
This is a web hosting forum, not a place for you to 'drunk post'
All you are doing is spamming. Grow up man.
You get drunk far too often anyway, i think you need to see somebody for that.
Just spoke to the guy on skype. Seems a decent guy, everything is legit by the looks of things. The only problem is, everythings a bit messy. All done by paypal subscriptions using a free billing script.
Just put in a bid of $150, just need to speak to a few people before i go ahead and buy...
just look around lol, they are a bunch of kids. The youtube guy is 19, that 'stabz' guy is 15. FFS, don't these teenage delinquents have anything better to do?
They do seem rather desperatefor money... hell, I'd give them money as long as they got off their backsides and did something...
I'm with bionhosting too, i have been since they took over
I have had nothing but good experiences with BionHosting. Whenever i do have a problem my tickets are usually replied to within 30 minutes at the most.
I Spoke to Robert the other day on MSN and apparently they are...
Dan, do you have any other domains parked on top of deisehost? If you do and they have little/no PR then that can affect your PR.
What about backlinks? Were there a few places you had some backlinks that might not have them there anymore? Also, if your link was on a site and it got blacklisted...
Damn you Daniel, you bet me to it :|
Created: 2008-04-15
Expires: 2009-04-15
Hello everyone! I just wanted to let you know about our latest, one time offer over at 3rd Rock Hosting.
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