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If it's any help, after some more research I decided to go with the Microsoft Lifecam Cinema since it was getting good reviews on youtube and tech websites. Webcam performs very good in detail when holding small text up close or objects and is SkypeHD Certified so is good for video calling.
Ahh yeah, I think most laptop cameras are about 1.3MP which is what mine is anyway.
After seeing mixed reviews of HD Webcams on the market guess I was hoping somebody could verify a good camera :).
Hey guys
Been looking at upgrading my webcam to a nice HD one with a good microphone for skype calls, I've had a look and so far got my mind fixed on the Creative Live Cam inPersonHD -
But thought I'd ask you guys...
I can offer you these specifications:
cPanel Control Panel
2GB Diskspace
30GB Bandwidth
5x of all cPanel Features.
Only thing I ask for in return is to have my service mentioned on one page of your website.
Please PM me if you wish to take me up on this offer.
On a quick search of the posts you have contributed on this forum I have noticed you try to find a negative side in forum topics. I believe I gave an honest request and was greeted with a negative point of view from you rather then a constructive way of telling me that the certain specifications...
Hi there,
For my small business I would require these specs:
5gb Minimum disk space
10gb Minimum bandwidth
Unlimited parked, addon and subdomains (Can negotiate)
Unlimted E-mail accounts
10FTP accounts
Scripts would require:
Ioncube Loader
MySQL 5.0 - 15 MySQL Databases...
Hi guys,
Needing a shoutcast radio server for,
Would only have to be 50max listeners and 48kbps stereo max bitrate.
Thanks & Appreciated!
Tried plugging in another Windows Mobile device to the computer, Comes up as "Generic Serial" On the screen of the device it stalls at "Connecting to host"
Every time I manually install the driver Windows Mobile Remote Adapter instead of the generic device it will say "Insufficient system...
Okay to the point, I have been syncing my phone with my Windows 7 64bit machine for the past few months with Bluetooth which has worked fine.
Just around a week ago I wanted to copy a batch of songs / videos to it which is when the speed holds you back and your stuck looking at a copying window...
First off I shall explain our situation:
We have a server with 4x 1TB SATA Hard drives.
They are all on an Intel RAID5 Array.
Just the other day we have been having issues with one of the hard drives playing up so we have taken it out for now. Our plan is to replace each hard drive with a...
Hey guys,
Been awhile since I last posted I know but to the point,
Recently I got my hands on the iMate JAMin Smartphone/PDA and it seems pretty awesome. Apart from that I'd really like to get WPA2 working for the Wifi on it. After googling for a bit I found this page...
Thats what it says on the "about" page of there site.
Anyway what i'm getting at is I got invited to the site and I get a few free invites to send out now.. Just PM me you're email address and i'll invite you. :)