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I'm going to go see it, but with absolutely no delusions about it being a quality film. Could be entertaining though, and how much worse could it be than the prequels?
I'm cautiously optimistic knowing that George Lucas doesn't have his hands all over it.
Casting and direction is going to...
I'm trying to break up with my girlfriend.
Her favourite uncle died today.
Going through with it anyway is how bad of an idea on a scale of 1-10?
Seeing as I already know the answer to that, how long do you think I should actually wait?
I'm using Addora, and I'd characterize their uptime at about, oh, 80 percent, which I don't need to tell you is unacceptable for a service that is taking my money (I won't even tell you what kinds of other issues I've had with them in the past)
Clearly, it's time to move on. My website is...
Don't see what you're trying to get at. I know none of the Beasties were particularly involved in Judaism, if at all. MCA himself was raised "non religious", in fact he was a practicing Buddhist
It's like a ghost town 'round these here parts.
It's kinda sad, really. If you want to look at it this way, fws was the first "social network" I've ever been apart of. Now we all have Facebook/Twitter/blogs/whatever the ---- Pinterest is, but I have fond memories of this place.
So get...