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Equinix, Ashburn, VA.
Telehouse East, London UK
Telehouse, NJ
CN Florida (all 3 million sq.ft of it).
Also, Choopa has more bandwidth.
RS is not the biggest provider but it is one of the biggest.
Rackspace also has lots of servers.
I will find the offer, I believe I know of a company who offers such a deal.
I think it was something like:
5GB of Disk Space
200GB of Monthly YIPES! Data Transfer
WHM Reseller
$29 per month
While doing some beta testing for a well known dedicated server company for VDS kernel set-ups and so on. I was able to push 2MB/s easily 24/7. :p They really loved me doing that as they use InterNAP mainly. :biggrin2: :cool:
2000gb can be anything.
It depends if you transfer is up/down if you pay for bandwidth on full duplex or half duplex systems or upstream of downstream.
How your ethernet card is set-up.
What is causing the traffic.
What is running.
How it's all set-up.
What is has to do to transfer...
Well, if you wish to get something from an array in php you would do:
echo $arrayvar[user2];
So you could do something like
$arrayvar = array (
"user2" => "blogger"
Which could also be called as
echo $arrayvar[0];
FDC offers a server with 4mbps+ bandwidth for $99/mo. What the hell do you expect?
Where do they state they will manage/troubleshoot your apache issues? Apache is a third party application.
Do this:
tail -f /usr/local/apache/logs/error_log
let us know what it spews out.
You can upgrade to latest stable/release/edge if it's not already.
RS is the best value provider out.
CIhost is the devil and owned by Interland, stay far far away. Run as fast as you can. ;)
No. Webmin is a basic server admin cp.
Locations Daniel, locations.
If you have a server in Texas and you connect directly onto a long-haul OC-48/OC-192 to NJ/NY / CA you would get better pings than the metro fiber loops you connect to via your local city -> chi -> dallas - > ev1.
Choopa uses MFN as well. Hopefully RS will add...
Works now. :)
That's a nice site...
Why does your site trace back to NAC and you claim to be in the ThePlanet DC?
Can you provide an IP or server name with url to back-up the claim firstly?
For 5GB of space and 50GB of monthly data transfer? You will certainly get what you pay for ;)
I wont even go into my usual maths usage for this ... but to say the least its possible but not viable in my honest view to offer that kind of package for $10, possibly $35 but that depends on your...
Sadly I never played Rugby as much as I should have. Was too busy working. We live and learn. :(
We have a grammer school but I doubt you lost to them.... :p