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I was hoping for a Vancouver - Montreal final, but I guess I'll just have to settle for San Jose - Montreal.
I don't want to see Montreal face Chicago...I fear Byfugelin will solve Halak....
WTF is moderation?
I have no willpower...I just watched the first 17 episodes of Accidentally On Purpose over the past 2 days while studying for exams :P In time to catch the new episode that aired last night.
Season 1 and 2 of Merlin are both at about 78% downloaded last I checked, should...
IMO, if you're not going to be able to buy the thing for 5're better off waiting until you're able to buy it to spec it out. A lot changes in 5 months..and by then the new platform might be coming out which will usually drop the price of the previous stuff.
I'd love to see Montreal make it past the first the west I'm cheering for the Canucks though. Vancouver vs Montreal in the finals would be EPIC!
The last time I tried to sell this domain I think I got an offer around 300$ - though at that point I was greedy/didn't actually think I wanted to sell so I wanted more. If I could get 300$ for it now I'd take it in a heartbeat, though I'm prepared to entertain lesser offers, since I don't think...
I'm getting rid of this domain for good. Tried doing things with it but I just don't have the time to make it work.
Can offer here or private message. I don't check very often normally but I'll try to keep up with this till it's gone. PM's will notify me by email however.
Hello everyone! My name is [name] with Post2Host and I am here to announce the reopening of the original post to host community. Three of the original admins are back and ready to recreate our community and provide you with the best free hosting possible. What are you waiting for? Head over to...
I highly doubt you're going to find a host who is going to give you that type of space and bandwidth (which by the way is completely off ratio) for what appears to be completely illegal content - for free.
You're looking at a dedicated server or at least a high resource VPS for that - but it...
Hello all,
Post2Host is reopening its doors after 4 years! P2H was originally started in the summer of 2004 and grew quickly over a short few months to become a very successful and active forum community. Sadly, the original owner went missing in action in early 2005 and the project came to a...