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how's it going man? I pop in every once in a while. A bit tough to find the time to spend on here now days. Wife and a 1 year old daughter take up most of the free time I have when not at work.
hey Hammy, you are better off just posting a pic, price, and tying it to paypal for a single product. you could also utilize linking it to an Etsy account. I use etsy to sell digital art and now hand made cufflinks. Works great.
Personally, don't waste the processing power to do something like that, but if you wanted to do it, just query the information_schema...
WHERE `TABLE_SCHEMA`='yourdatabasename'
AND `TABLE_NAME`='yourtablename';
if you are using a purchased theme, there should be a way to just not show the header. if there isnt, then create a child theme of it so that you dont mess up the original theme. then just use css to either not show the header or mod the template in the child theme. you can use a plugin for the...
if you are really a "php_addict", then just make a normal PHP site with a powerful framework like Symfony. If you arent that strong in your dev, then just use wordpress like millions of other people.
DONT use a FREE portfolio site. Make a real site, promote through facebook, create a business page on facebook and push traffic to your site that way. Also, get a pinterest account and post your photos there.