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Here at, we understand how important being secure on the internet is. That is why we are running a sale on our RapidSSL.
RapidSSL certs are only €12 for the year. Don't forget to use the coupon freewebspace for 10% off!
We would offer you our bronze package free of charge for 1 year.
Includes 10GB storage and 200GB transfer and unlimited databases and ftp accounts. Comes with phpMyAdmin aswell.
I would be happy to offer you free hosting with no adds on the basis of you have a discreet link on the bottom of your site to my site.
You would get 10GB storage, 200GB data transfer, unlimited sumdomains, databases, ftp accounts etc. It comes with cPanel too. offers some of the best value web hosting packages on the internet.
10GB Diskspace
200GB Data Transfer
Host 10 Domains
€10 a year
200GB Diskspace
500GB Data Transfer
Host 100 Domains
€20 a year
400GB Diskspace
1000GB Data Transfer
Host unlimited...