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Can u tell me why you want a vps and not a normal reseller? They are both the same if you explain to me I might be able to help you but why vps when u can use a reseller?
You do have a huge point sorry sander k . Also I wouldn't run with the donations i'm not like that :D . Also I am gonna try to get stuff for my project on my own if y'all can close the threads I made I apreaciate it sorry for everything. Well I also just got a domain so that's a start :D!
HAHA I got over that I am gonna start working and I already got that domain I am gonna work hard on this game also polilos would a centos vps be ok ? Also if you want to run a host get a reseller there is lots of free resellers.
Start MENU
Well look I am not over 18 that is true . My code is not stolen one and also I am not some idiot. What I ment I don't want to give you huge information cause I just met you ok , so what if your a thief what do you think is going to happen to me ? I can give you stuff like email real name...
Also why are you asking my age 0_o i'll think about it , also well the game is suppost to be free just get money with donations . I like your offer but I don't want to give you all my information that is what I don't agree with. I don't mind ads and giving you money but just don't want...
Wait what
what are u saying? Are u wanting to put ads on my site exchange for a domain and vps hosting is this correct or what are u saying I didn't get a thing you :p said
It's a game I have made well am still working on with the eclipse engine. It's a 2d mmorpg. It's not gonna be something big maybe max 10-20 players a day that's if we get lucky . I think that will help y'all get a better view of what I want.
Well have y'all heard of the eclipse engine . I am using that engine to make my game . If y'all haven't heard of it look at this . I think y'all can get a better view of what I need. Also @wswd I don't really need it for my website I need it more for my game if it can...
Also I forgot to specify that the type of vps I need is windows ............ Also if you can find a free windows great or something very cheap .............. thanks
I love just take a look at my cpanel details. They are free and sense I been with them they never had a downtime. They only had a sql issue yesterday but that is because they were upgrading the cpanel wish is great. Look at my cpanel details for all they give and free I really...