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I am looking for the following features:
500mb space
20GB bandwidth
I would like to make a small free webhost, and I was wondering if anyone could help me out.
A friend of mine needs some hosting for his downloads site. He needs about 1GB space and 20GB bandwidth. He is hosting a southpark site. It will host pics, a eps guide and some shows. Also many of you might think that it is ilegal so here is proof that it is not. I also asked permission and it...
I am looking for a company that can offer a really cheap server, or a free server that will be used to run a completely free hosting sort of thing. I can put paid banners, pop-ups and text links or pop-ups, banners and text links of the host on each account and on the other pages. I am only 15...
I need a host that has some type of built in media streaming. I want to stream my school's radio show but I dont know how so can someone reccomend or host my streaming radio show? It would have to be a mp3 file that I upload, but I would like people to stream it instead of download the file.
My site is a download site mostly. WIth a lot of traffic.
I can put banners, text links and pop-ups on my site. I will need:
10GB webspace
20gb bandwidth
15 sub-domains
10 ftp accounts
at least 3 SQL