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And co is everyone else. I could be here all day listing you guys.
Surly some of you still pop in, also that guy from Melb that kept leaving funny reps on eBay about his sister and enjoyed heavy metal where you at?
Hi! What you been up to?
It depends on control panel at the registrar. To get detailed help you will need to list who is holding it for you.
Or create a ticket with that host and ask them.
US was always way cheeper... its always been 300/oz here (high price)
Sometimes you used to get them for 150$ when the bush crops came in.
Now I wouldnt have a clue coz I dont buy it but I heard people are paying 400+/OZ in dry times. crazy..
Still cheaper than gold though.. I just often think...
Police in Nigeria are holding a goat on suspicion of attempted armed robbery.
Vigilantes seized the black and white goat, saying it was an armed robber who had used black magic to transform himself into an animal to escape after trying to steal a Mazda 323.
'The group of vigilante men came...