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Just a simple one, rename your main html file to .php extension. Then add to the place where you need your footer:
include 'footer.php';
Save your footer html code into footer.php, this should do the trick, if I'm getting what you're saying.
This is like you buy your property, but all those that are not sold belong to me. Also, I heard somewhere that they reserve the domains which are not registered yet register a high amount of hits for a higher price. Also Trenz, quit with the W3C thing already.
Compare the amount of users using Windows and Linux and you get the idea why hackers and script-kiddies target Microsoft. Just a mild explanation though. :)
I haven't gone through the 5 pages yet, but I'll add my opinion in response to the first post. XHTML is just a markup language, big deal? There're things that matter more than XHTML, your site might have 10 nested tables and yet pass the validation. My point? If you feel comfortable using HTML 4...
Which mod was it? As far as I'm concerned I went to get help, got it, and received some nice support from Watty and Jay. I can't get such support from phpBB in the past it seemed, haven't asked anything for ages.
After some learning of the language, I'm a getting the hang of it now. However, does it even matter if the file is named inappropriately? I mean, I could include a file like and nothing goes wrong!
All you ever needed, and also dive into other's scripts! Of course, organised ones, like MercuryBoard and Invision Power Board (although some parts like the use of 'global' in OOP programming are to be discouraged) :)
For queries you can add a variable and increment it by 1, $mysql_query_count++ when a mysql_query is made. As for the timer, here's a short solution:
class Debug {
var $starttime;
var $time;
function StartTimer {
$this->starttime = array_sum(explode(' ', microtime()));