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I have a fairly simple design that I created. However the tables and cells are not working properly as some cells seem to autostretch where I don't want them and others don't autostretch where I do want them. I want it to autostretch whenever another table/cell is stretch through more text...
Try which is run by Strathfield.
It's easy to earn points from your website as well as it has a referralID, unlike the others that you can only refer manually.
I've earnt at least 300 points (1 point for each SMS) from my site.
They slowly took away a lot of the features before this happened so I already stopped using it but it was a good service. One day there will be no such thing as free
Bugs Fixed
Marking all as read in a subcat forum doesn't update board index post marker fix Post & Avatar uploads (safe mode w/open basedir) bug fix
ACP: Date and times settings description typo fix
Read reciept not containing date bug fix
Viewing "The Moderating Team" displays...
.. or move to Australia :)
Honestly though, if an Australian company required me to give them my TFN (Oz' equivilent of SSN) I wouldn't mind as long as I know the company's reputable.
PHP with MySQL.
There will be people who say that php isn't faster than CGI, but is really how the board (or script) is written that determines it. But from what I see, boards with PHP and MySQL is faster.
Obviously. He made a better "template" to use that looked better to him and he liked it. If you look, there are things in iB3 that isn't in iB2.
You're suggesting that Matt should turn this whole board upside down in order to not (and I quote) "plagiarized" ikonboard.