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The important thing to check in Web hosting is their web hosting services which are the most important part of hosting . You can check that easily in the review sites where you get the honest customer feedback.
If you believe your website might not require more resources then the shared hosting is the best.
Dedicated hosting for those who required huge resources. In Dedicated hosting, the server is your responsibility and the knowledge of the server is very required for good maintenance.
It's better to go with paid web hosting because with free web hosting you face a lack of customer service, Speed, Storage and many more.
You are in a safe hand when if you go with paid web hosting.
Paid hosting always safe for your business growth where you can find good traffic for your website and website development will be quicker than the free hosting.
Managed Dedicated Server is for those who have no knowledge of managing the server, it can be said has time preserving so that you can concentrate on your Business growth and worry not on the managing server.
Server management done with enough knowledge is said that the one is using an Unmanaged...
you seem new for the blog. Initially, Traffic to your blog may be less, if yes then I highly recommend you VPS. If your blog starts increasing in traffic and the resources are not enough then shift to Dedicated server