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Hello, im looking some hosting provider doesnt matter how much space and BW is offering i just need to have my site stable(my site is notting just using for testing some scripts).I dont want Post 2 Host hostings, i need just like something, they isnt allowing my country there, so...
Hello im looking for good job
Here is what i can do.
* Can be an support operator for your hosting services/other services.(NOT LIVE CHAT!)
* cPanel Installation
* LxAdmin Installation
* SolusVM Installation(for configuring also for your opinion im also doing it)
Hello i need trial dedicated please i need to try something with Openvz and another thing,
Doesnt matter what connection will have,only need to be dedicated
Please give me an offer.
Hello im selling WHMSonic Lifetime License,if you dont know what is whmsonic...that is plugin for cPanel/WHM witch is based on php platform and have providing shoutcast easy hosting for your costumers.
Here is proof that i own license:
I sell this license for 115 dollars,the normal price is...
Hello i need some offer with dedicated servers in netherland,i want to be allowed nulled scripts on the server,warez linking,or possible everything.
Please make a offer
Our Budget is 70- 130 $.
Waiting for offers.
Hello i need a trial Dedicated server(because i want to test first month,then i will choose to continue or not).
I need for about
2x500 GB HDD or higher
Some 5-6 TB or higher bandwitch
1 GBPS if posible connection if not 100 MBPS.
Show me also the price
I need this urgent
This is the minimum:
Intel Core 2 Quad 4*2,4 Ghz
8192 MB RAM
800 GB HD
Root access
Budget is 90-130 euros
You can give it more of this requirment,this is just minimum
Location Germany only.
Hello since i haved my radio station i have brought this license for Lifetime.
Who don't understand what is WHMSonic can read here
Now i'm selling for 130 $ Onetime,and license is yours
Here is Proof:
Payment method : MoneyBookers ONLY!
If you have any...
To request visit
Instant activation is only available to Shared Hosting Packages Resellers Shoutcast Hosting & Shoutcast Reseller require Admin Activation
Shared Hosting Packages
All shared Hosting Plans Include Installatron FFMPEG
BHS1-Basic - 10 Post to Request...