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i think this is bs, look at the domain, or w/e. that looks to me like a domain bought for a warez or hacking site. also, the posts are kindof pathetic. Can i have the server info and if you have a reseller, THE reseller you are with.
Okay, I am making a site about web messaging and heres what i need::
20 Megs or *450+*
2 gig b/w or *10+*
* asteriks indicate alternitive possibility for space and b/w *
What you get::
More traffic cuz i will advertize ur site on...
yeah well, im tring to keep my options open and my hosting company is under major construction anyway. Please, no posting 4 hosting cuz I hate that! :-\ thanks for the offers tho!
I plan to have my hosted site be a site all about instant messaging. I will have how it works, the program links, some cool addons, text styles, and stuff like that. I do strongly plan to also have the hosts banner on my site if I am excepted because I believe since you hosted me you should...
sorry, i really dont like the people that can help but dont want to cuz of the pay. There needs to be more people like that in the world, and there might be a tiny bit of chance that there will be pay. But for now everybody, please keep pming me with your applications, there is also an update...
I am looking for a free reseller! If you give me a reseller package, I will share my profit with you! Amount depends on space and bandwidth I recieve! I am looking for 10gig space and 200gig bandwidth! Thanks!
Hello, I am starting a free web hosting site which most may not know yet, but it has started! Atleast the server anyway. I could be taking applications right now but that isnt possible do to the lack of help I have, thats were you come in! There is no pay, not to anyone, not even to me.
I have just opened my new hosting buisiness! ( as planned ) Here are the plans and please note there is not a main site yet! Here are the plans!
Plan 1 : PHost Personal Package - Used for perosonal sites
Max Web Space-15 meg
Max Ftp Accounts-1
Max Email Accounts-1
Max Email Lists-1
I am starting my own free hosting company and I am looking for a host to host my main site! If you host my main site, I will have your banner(s) available to view for all visitors to my site! This is what I need
150+ megs
Lots of bandwidth
7+ e-mails with cpanel...
Im not making any money lol. I recieved free 18 gig drives and i have nothing to use them for so I hope that other people can use them up for them! If anything I am losing money not making it. jMiller, I will get to you