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Search results

  1. N

    can someone host my designs site?

    Yeah i will Yeah i will pm me
  2. N

    Wanna help

    Well im gonna start a forum soon NOX-POWER forums and i need modoraters i cant really pay you but i can give you a banner ad or a ad for your website. PM me back please My forum is going to be about any thing i can thing OF !!! I hope it will be big !!!
  3. N

    Traffic for your website !

    Well my site is down But its not NOX-POWER it a differnet site and thats 7000k Min a day that means that the least traffic i get is 7000k But my site opened a few days ago. But soon i should get about 60,000k aday if its gonna go well. I looked today and my site was DOWN ;( Oh i own an...
  4. N

    Traffic for your website !

    Well I own a site that gets alot of traffic about 7000 hitz min a day So if you got a site that need promotion for $20 a month your site banner will be shown and for $40 a popup will be Shown
  5. N

    Wanna help?

    Hi, im just wondering if any one wants to be a mod on my NEW website forum. The sites is gonna be called Nox-power and it will be many a huge forum with alot of subjects so if your intrested relpy to this post or Pm me please.
  6. N

    Need a host for a Forum

    I need a Host for a Forum All i need is alot of brandwith
  7. N

    How high can we count?

    Blah is not a number
  8. N

    I am the most paranoid person in the world....

    12 Firewalls How ? [ Didnt your mother tell you not to play with Fire?] You could get burnt Lol
  9. N

    Lol..i was playing GTA3 and.....

    Sorry but any one can do that any Day