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Okie dokie, finished the letter.
You can try (5 day trial) the service here:
Use discount coupon in checkout to get it free (won't have to go through any payment process): vsa
Coupon is valid until: 30th May 08.
I'm really hoping after trying it, you'll give me...
Yea false alarm is pretty much 1/20 chances because...
Service checks HTTP by page access method. So if it can't access (eg), within 5 seconds, 3 times in a row, then it will commence the calling.
Service checks the page every 2 minutes.
Pretty much I made this...
Couple of months back I cobbled up a service that phones you (like a real human, except it's a virtual human), whenever any of your servers are down.
EG: Your server 5 is down, and you get a call immediately on any phone in the world. When you pickup, you'll hear: " server 5...
stereofreak69, appreciate your concern.
Please note that the subject line and body intentionally wants to target business owners only.
That's why it's written the way it's written.
5GB Space, No Ads, 300GB Bandwidth, PHP 5, IonCube, Zend, SSI, GD, Curl, CGI/PERL, Python. See full list at site.
This host is for professional business oriented fellas. Meaning uptime and server speed is at it's maximum equivalent to paid hosts. Mainly because MySQL is not free for everyone...
This is ONLY for you if you're in internet marketing (eg: have online business/store) and want MAXIMUM uptime and speed.
Without making further claims (why should you believe a word anyone says when there's no proof!): Search on Google for: 110mb review
And see...
5GB Space, No Ads, 300GB Bandwidth, PHP 5, IonCube, Zend, SSI, GD, Curl, CGI/PERL, Python. See full list at site.
This host is for professional business oriented fellas. Meaning uptime and server speed is at it's maximum equivalent to paid hosts. Mainly because MySQL is not free for everyone...
Whoever created that blog ( is a complete unconsidered selfish idiot!
Who are you to judge any of those hosting sites who work their asses off to give a service to people who have no money to pay for paid hosting. They are helping these people.
2GB Space, No Ads, 100GB Bandwidth, PHP 5, , Zend, GD, Curl, CGI/PERL, Python. See full list at site.
This host is for professional business oriented fellas. Meaning uptime and server speed is at it's maximum equivalent to paid hosts. Mainly because MySQL is not free for everyone.
Read why...
Any comments regarding 110mb about slowness no longer apply as of 1 March as new system architecture was implemented. It's called "Improvement".
Same thing you do when somethings not working out. You I M P R O V E it. :-)
2GB Space, 100GB Monthly Bandwidth, No Ads (clean page), 10MB Max file upload limit, PHP
NOTE: CGI/Python, Ruby, Perl, SSI, is coming mind 07.
This host is only for serious folks who don't have time for the usual Free hosting B.S. excuses of XYZ is...
There's many firewalls today like Norton Security or ZoneAlarm.
Many of my friends run them.
But I never see point of doing so when XP already has the firewall.
Plus the router itself has a inbuilt firewall.
So what's the use of using another one in the taskbar running 24/7...
Just just wondering if anyone has experience or know on what's is better to use.
Because both can be used to align or position tables neatly.
But question is do SE's like one more then the other.
I'm wondering which is the best one in terms of biggest pay per click?
Has anyone done tests or comparisons on a typical hobby site (non business related).
Place your link on at least a PR6 website.
The higher the PR you place your link on, the quicker G will index it.
Google is famous for taking ages to index a site.