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Hi this my 4. thread
My first hosting service is shut down the server
And now i wanted new hosting:
-Reliable hosting(don't shut down the server after 1-2 years)
-500 mb space and 1 or 2 gb bw(maybe more space)
-Linux Server
-Few FTP accounts,few e-mail,few MYSQL...
Hi this my 3. thread :fangel:
My first hosting service is shut down the server:doh!: :crying5: :tired2:
And now i wanted new hosting:
-Reliable hosting(don't shut down the server after 1-2 years)
-500 mb space and 1 or 2 gb bw(maybe more space)
-Linux Server
-Few FTP...
hi everyone
i need host for my forum i want these:
1gb space
5gb bandwith
i use my own domain
and my site language is turkish
and have good uptime
and you not want to forum posting :P (if don't you want too post maybe i do :P)
i want too things?? :lol:
Note: sorry for...