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Cloudways PHP cloud hosting is offering 30% discount on all their hosting plans. You can avail this offer by using promo code: BFCM18 when signing up. Signup is totally free.
Cloudways is a managed hosting platform for PHP apps. You can host popular PHP apps, including WordPress, basic PHP...
I have been hosted my client's php based websites on Godaddy for a while. But because of lackluster performance and poor service, I am now thinking of moving to a DigitalOcean dedicated server. Now, my issue is that I dont have experience to setup a server with PHP stack and manage it. So, I...
Actually you don't need to learn setting up a Linux server. There are managed hosting solutions available for PHP apps. Managed PHP hosting, like Cloudways, provides you a platform to launch your Linux server in few minutes even if you don't know anything about Linux or PHP. I would suggest you...
Get $25 free credit on Magento hosting by Cloudways. The offer is valid for magento or any other PHP based app.
Cloudways is a PaaS that enable users to deploy PHP apps on managed servers. The infrastructures they support are: Amazon Web Services, Google Compute Engine, Kyup, Vultr and...