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How childish. I doubt posting those kind of messages is good for business. And, btw..11 minus 6 is 5, not 4. Are you sure you're old enough to run your own server...? ;)
I have stumbled across a couple of hosts that seem to have what we're looking for. Has anyone heard of or ?
I'm looking for a free host for a friend who just registered a domainname. Banners are fine, space about 10+mb, browser uploads, online html-editor=a must since we'll sometimes work with the site on my pc. She won't use my paid host since she doesn't have a credit card.
I have tried...
Hello Ray,
I went to those places you suggested. I checked for my domain and found an email address to the technical contact at this place, but I have already emailed him with no response. I haven't been able to find any other e-address for them. The other contacts are me. When I looked for the...
I registered a domainname with this company a while ago and also used their hosting service. They turned out to be the host from hell so I left. Time went by and now I'm looking for a host and I'm thinking, okay, maybe I'll use my domainname and get a new host. Found one that I like and...
What are the rules here? Is it okay to recommend hosts and link to them or vice versa: tell people about bad hosting expreriences? Or are you supposed to just, like wait for a question...? Stupid question, I know, I just don't want to spam or anything...
But if you sign up with an Englishspeaking host you must understand English, right? So you will understand the text on the ads. And there are no ads on the homepages hosted at gcities, so it doesn't matter what language the visitors speak anyway...Oh well, never mind. I'll just keep looking...
When you replied to my previous message concerning sphosting I saw you URL and decided to check it out. It looked great so I read the TOS. Only sites in English allowed!! Why? I've been looking so long for an ad-free host for my friendly little Swedish site...:) It's only 5MB, only jpgs...
I have no doubt that they are legit, but what I'd like to know is, how are their services? I know from bad experience that hosts that offer a lot without asking for anything in return tend to have slow servers, lots of downtime, etc. I'm wondering if this is the case here or if this is a host...
I just heard about and I'd like to know if anybody here is hosted with them. They offer a lot for free with no ads, and I'm wondering where's the catch...?