Howdy! Welcome to our community of more than 130.000 members devoted to web hosting. This is a great place to get special offers from web hosts and post your own requests or ads. To start posting sign up here. Cheers!
Matzoo will stay open one way or another, at least thats my goal. Something has come up, and though I may sell it, I will still be an active member of the community, and contributing often. Don't worry though.
That's Right! I'd like to announce that my free hosting company MatZoo is accepting text links, and text ads, to put in the users cPanel! That's right. Check this out --
You can have a text link in the top right hand corner of their cPanel, or have a text ad displayed under the current news...
Yes I've sold past hosts. I don't plan on selling this one. Last time it was open it got shutdown due to a spammer. This is my host, others I created for ExplodeHost.
We've already had lots of signups. Keep them coming guys. Oh, and if you want to get 1 more gb of bw, for free! Signup for our forums, and PM me there!
That's Right Guys. Matzoo is back! -- FREE HOSTING AND BEYOND --
We use to have over 900 free hosting clients, and all was going well, but we had a slight issue. Someone used our site for spamming, and it got shut down, and we lost everything. Well now we are back, and we are...
Because the lingo is just internet lingo. It's what it is. I mean I don't type that bad, Im not like "err ya u k mhm so wat r u doing idk wbu" but I don't always type properly.
Spam is very a bad thing. I think more should be done about it, but at the same time I believe that suspending an account is more appropriate then terminating it, as spam can lead to federal lawsuits etc, and the government might want their sites, etc. It's just easier to suspend, but if nothing...
Just because you use abbreviations, such as u, doesn't mean they aren't smart. It's just what we all are use to. It is used so often, that it is becoming like a native language to us. Doesn't mean the person is completly stupid in real person. I talk like that on IM to my friends. Of Course...
Hello. I am looking for a partner to start and run a Free Hosting Company with me. I already have a design, so that's paid for by me. We will need to get it coded though. A partner will split half of the cost, as well as half of the revenune. We will be using iPanel and a linux server/vps/ so if...