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managed wordpress hosting

Search results

  1. J

    Proxy Sites, Generate Revenue, Custom Templates

    Hi, I have designed a set of 5 custom proxy templates for PHProxy, these designs have been designed to display ad units prominently to increase your CTR. Template 1, Template 2, Template 3, Template 4, Template 5 I am selling these sites in a few different packages to allow you to get...
  2. J

    Proxy Host Needed (Reseller, VPS, Simi-Dedicated)

    Hi, I am looking for a host that I can host a few proxy sites with, I will need a lot of bandwidth and be on a server with a decent amount of ram. I am looking for the best value at the moment so please send me offers of Reseller Plans, VPS, or Simulated Dedicated Servers (Basically my own...
  3. J

    Dedicated Server Needed

    Hi, I am looking to get a fully managed dedicated server. I will be running a few high traffic proxy sites on it so it will need to have a good processor and at least 1GB of RAM. I don't need a lot of storage space but will need a good amount of transfer to run my sites. I will also need...
  4. J

    Good Deal?

    Thats what I was thinking when I bought it, I didn't want to take the chance of downtime or a slow server.
  5. J

    Good Deal?

    Its from ValuHost.com I had heard nothing but good things about them which is why I decided to give them a go.
  6. J

    Good Deal?

    I was just wondering if I got a good deal for my hosting as there are so many options out there its hard tell. This is my plan: Maximum 3 Domains Hosted 1 Free Domain Unlimited Databases,e-mails, etc. 3GB Diskspace 80GB Transfer Great 24/7 Support 15.95/month All of this is on a...
  7. J


    Hi, I am looking for someone to make me this exact logo (http://www.indocrononline.com/images/logo.jpg) but make it 800x100 and instead of saying Techie Designs in should say Indocron Online. This logo was for my old design company but I have lost the original file and now only have the jpg...
  8. J

    Any Free Online RPGs?

    a good text based one is indocrononline.com
  9. J


    Do you want me to just sign up on your site?
  10. J


    so no one can offer anyting with my requirements around my price range?
  11. J


    I understand that its just that I don't have enough at the moment to cover a setup fee, otherwise I would be signing up for one of your servers now.
  12. J


    I am looking for something without a setup fee, i need this asap so the first good offer thats in my general parameters i am going to take
  13. J


    I am looking for the best dedicated you can offer me for $100/month or less. I only have a few requirements: cPanel/WHM Fantasico Fully Managed Able to pay via PayPal
  14. J

    Dedicated Server

    I need this exact server or something close within 24 hours. If you can help me with this please reply. My last deal fell through and I am in a hurry. 2.6GHz PENTIUM 4 2X80GB Hard drive cPanel/WHM Fantastico Full Root Access 4 IP 1200 GB OF Bandwidth Fully managed $100/month
  15. J

    Dedicated Server

    Got the Server
  16. J

    adsense does tolerate certain extend of adult content..

    A lot of the time the ads you see on sites that break Adsense rules are not put there by the site. These ads are delivered to these sites through ad networks that had their site approved and they just put the ad in their rotation.
  17. J

    Advertise - $1/week

    Hello, I am offering some text links that will show on every page inside my online game which is located here: http://www.indocrononline.com Your text link will appear where is says "Your Ad Here!" in the following picture: http://www.indocrononline.com/stats/adplacement.JPG We recieve...
  18. J

    Dedicated Server

    Any other offers?
  19. J

    Dedicated Server

    Hello, I am looking into buying a dedicated server to host my online game that is beginning to grow rapidly. I am looking for offeres of fully managed servers around $100/month. Minimum Specs: Fully Managed Cpanel/WHM/Fantastico The rest of the specs I will decide on when I see all...