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Person or a webmaster having enough technical knowledge can opt for unmanaged vps, but again the budget issue comes. The budget provided here is not sufficient for the requirements you have specified. Hence, better opt for a high customized solution or a dedicated server hosting package. Most of...
You are right, Hydro_Host. SEO is very much easy to understand, but its a time consuming task. So, if you don't have time to do it yourself you better hire an SEO professional. Just google it and you will find the best SEO firms. OR the best i will suggest you to join communities as...
Thanks a lot for the suggestions, Judge Fudge. My technology blog is also a news site about new electronic gadgets launched in the market. I will definitely make the changes you have suggested and will try to create fresh and unique content.
I too liked because of the unique and fresh content. Because content is the thing which attracts search engines and visitors. Building the unique content also attracts the other webmasters towards your site to be linked with you and for advertising.
One more thing that attracts visitors to the site is the conversations going in the comment section. If the conversation is good visitors not only visit the site but also shows interests by participating in it. This way you can also get better suggestion from visitors to improve your website.
Hey CoetlyWeeli, well other than the top search engines you can checkout the General web directories or if you are looking for a particular category sites then look out some niche directories. But, still search engines are better for search.
Well, however i too think that automated submissions are not worth. You may get banned by the directories. By submitting manually you can ensure that your site is submitted correctly.
No, its like a community site in which you need to make friends so that people will view your profile and also you can dump your links publicly. Also, you can create your business card or image and put it as a background on your profile page. It is great for increasing traffic and google too...
You should also try out the new social networking site Twitter. This is new and faster marketing platform for business owners to market their website and products. If used properly you can get unexpected results from it. Try it!