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I create International Scholarships website It more then 1 years old and now has new design. What do you think about my site.
I appreciate for any review or comment.
First thing is traffic. How can you get click if there is no traffic for your site. Then you must also concern on put your adsense code not look like advertising and try offer good content to people
I want to build community site for Christian people in my country (Indonesia). Now I've built my site like digg (using pligg). Next project if I get much member I will create forum too. I use free webhosting and unfortunately the web host sometime down (sometimes more then once in a day)...
I read on
9. Can I display ads on search results pages?
Google AdSense now will allow AdWords ads to be placed on search results pages through our Online AdSense Program.
yess :applaudin
Tq but when I search using "word" there is no result for "word"
If I search using word it work.....
I want people can search using " " like in yahoo, etc
So can you help me?