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I am after some free hosting for a small website. It needs to be domain hosting and offer pop3 email. Wouldn't mind a MySQL database and PHP. I'm willing to wack on a little ad too.
I do have paid hosting, but they want me to pay another AU$50 for this simple package. Anything would be...
Trying to get some decent webhosting free.. but they're all to lazy to setup a fricking account. >_< ...and @ the OCAU forums.
Well I'm leaving now.. for good. Byez to yas all!. :cry2:
I like my Duron (@ 766mhz). It actually beats a P3 @ the same speed. :D
I should be getting a Cely 300A/333. Why? Cause they hit 450mhz easy, and some even get to 500mhz. :D
Free ...of course.
Anyway... I'll need a new host.
When my site works properly, and it's not slow (couple of weeks ago), going by calculations... I should get atleast 4000 hits a month. I need PHP, MySQL and atleast 50mb of space???
I am happy to display banner ads on my site too...
Just a second ago I was reading LastAtionHero's thread "Your first post at FWS and why you joined"
It'd funny if he did in like 6months time and we pulled out philipgreenwood's first post.
My site traffic has dropped alot in the last day!
But on another topic.. I finshed my new nuke theme. It's and AMD theme. :D
It'll only be there for like a day, then I change it back.
... if you're a member, u can change it to the AMD theme ne time u want. ;)
Oh.. the link...