Howdy! Welcome to our community of more than 130.000 members devoted to web hosting. This is a great place to get special offers from web hosts and post your own requests or ads. To start posting sign up here. Cheers!
Doubt you'll be getting any type of shell access unless you pay quite a bit of money for a host that would actually allow that. Not to mention most of them will make you send them a photocopy of your information. If you need webhosting, we offer a plan that might suit your needs if you don't...
Hello everyone, PDC Lan Webhosting has just opened for business. Some of our offered plans are listed below, please take the time to take a look at what we have to offer.
Bronze Package
Space - 300mb
Bandwith - 20gb
Add-on Domains - None
Sub Domains - 2
Parked Domains - 1
MySQL Databases - 5...