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At my school, the computers check the HDD for changes at each start up, meaning that no matter what u do with the comps, once you restart, they go back to their original ways. Could this be the case in your school?
I'm currently working on a slide_menu style feed reader, which is gonna be at: (the url might be changed to
I surfed around many, many feed directories, and I've gather the top 8 feed sources for each of the following category.
Please comment...
Hello to everybody reading this :D.
I'm currently working on a rss feed reader: (look at the upper left corner)
Here's what I've right now:
- A script that will aggregate rss feeds from a fixed list of urls and output them in a menu_slide style.
Here's what I...
Extreme End #1: RapidShare
- Max file size limit: 100MB
- Try to get you pay: Yes
- Number of downloads: Limited
- Max. parallel downloads: 1
- Support for download-accelerators: No
- Support for resuming downloads: No
- Downloads start instantly: No
- Extra slots, if servers are full: No
Special thanks to kawaiistar, hottweelz, Yellowmc, Brandon, RangerOfFire for their kind comments!
- I've taken the new logo down as it really doesn't fit with the rest of the layout.
- Originally I had a link for "making this your homepage", but it wasn't obvious, I made it more...