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Who here uses one? and what they like?.

My friend saw a deal at a computer fair £800 ($1280) for two.
From what I know, eMachines are made from used computer parts, I could be wrong :(

I've never used one, so I have no clue about how good they are.
As far as I have heard, eMachines are junk computers. Don't buy them! People have had problems with hardware in them. And for $1280? Gees, you can get a nice Compaq or HP for a similar price. Although if I were you I would goto a small comp store and buy a comp. Much better IMO.
I used one

People have had real problems with the power supplies. No i never have but i had a motherboard and or processor go out on me. So i have to but a new one. Their pc are hard to find replacement parts if they are worth replacing. I would go to buy.com the clearance zone and they have compaq or hp i forget but they are 499 (us dollars) and they have 64 meg, hd all the goodies with a cdrw for cheap now that is 1000 dollars for two.
Compaq?? HP?? wtf are you on? They suck. With 1280 bucks you can build yourselve a nice, much faster system or get a DELL..

Originally posted by HumanClay
As far as I have heard, eMachines are junk computers. Don't buy them! People have had problems with hardware in them. And for $1280? Gees, you can get a nice Compaq or HP for a similar price. Although if I were you I would goto a small comp store and buy a comp. Much better IMO.
O've got my own custom built machine already and runs smooth as hell. But i wanted a simple machine for just surfing the net and sending emails and thats why i asked.
I have had to work on one before. And they are absolute hell!!! Hell I tell ya!! Hell!!.

Ok I am prob exaggerating a bit, but the one I got to work on pissed me off. Its soo cramped I hit my had every 10 microseconds.
Errr, I hope I never get reminded of that abomination of a computer again.
dont buy them aless you get one from bestbuy and get the insurence on them cause if you do that they give you a brand new computer every time plus a upgrade but aless you get the insurence dont waste your time weve had one for 8 months and we are at 4 new ones we started at at a 366 now at a 566 with basicly every thing
Heh, the Yugo of computers...

Ever go to Fry's (discount computer store), and see all the unmarked boxes of drives and computer supplies. The kind of stuff you wouldn't use if you were building yourself a computer? There are times when it pays to get name brands.
DELL all the way

I had a e-machine that last for about 2 months. About 6 months ago a person co-located a Compaq with us and it lasted about 4 months. I have a HP here at my house that my wife uses and its doing ok, been running for about a year now. Of course I personally use DELL. I guess I always will.
None of my computers have ever been new!

Basically what I do is buy used computers and upgrade them myself. You must have patience to do it this way because what you really want is not always available used lol but it is very cost efficient in the end. With technology being outdated before you get the box out of the store and a lot of people having more money than brains, there seems to be an endless supply of good used equipment for sale. At work however, I buy new because of the warranties and the fact that I need what I need usually yesterday :)

As far as E-machines go, I would not recommend them to anyone but the casual user if I could not get them to consider anything else.