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  1. D

    Please suggest me a registar

    Check out http://www.dotregistrar.com to see if it fits your need.
  2. D

    cihost ????

    CIhost has been discussed before. Make sure you read their TOS before signing up with them. Alos asking questions first before you sign up Good luck
  3. D

    Help Me Run Free Web Host

    Ron, I was replying to your post, but noticed now that you deleted your post.
  4. D

    Help Me Run Free Web Host

    Sorry, I don't do dedicated servers. I'm an Alabanza Host. I don't sell servers also. If you feel that this is benefiting me, great. Let's be that way.
  5. D

    Help Me Run Free Web Host

    Guys, please dont' discourage this lilttle fella. Making fun of someone trying to have some experience is not a good idea. He's just wanting to get some experience. Alex. I will help you. Get a CobaltRaq and run it for now.
  6. D

    Domino Theory

    No, it's AS408 for your information. Thanks anway
  7. D

    Help Me Run Free Web Host

    Offer something that is unique and you will have tons of people signing up. Competition is everywhere and everything you do. Get around it with creativity.
  8. D

    Please review my site

    Honestly, the banner is bigger than your site. Looks very neat, but it would be better if you can increase the font size a little. Once I get to the site, I have no idea where to go.
  9. D

    I can't change nameserver in Network

    Have you try calling them? Just keep on bugging them.
  10. D

    Domino Theory

    OK I'm studying Aviation Safety. The subject I currently on is about the Domino Affect. I need to know who invented the Domino Theory. And When. It is related to business. Thanks
  11. D

    Domino Theory

    Yes it is related to chain reaction.
  12. D

    Domino Theory

    A person who create the Domino Theory in business aspect.
  13. D

    Domino Theory

    It's about business
  14. D

    Domino Theory

    Mr. Domino? Hmm are you sure or just kidding?
  15. D

    Domino Theory

    Can anyone tell me who invented the Domino theory and when? Thanks